Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Quick 2 cents!

Hi everyone!

Drop your jaws. Yep, it's Sarah here and I'm here to give you a quick hello. Ben doesn't even know that I'm posting this, so he'll be happily surprised I'm sure. :) Ben is definitely better at keeping in touch and following through on posts! I wanted to be able to write a little myself today. I actually keep people updated here and there with photos while Ben writes on our blog, so we compliment each other, I'd say. You can always check out our "Married Life" album on my facebook.

As Ben stated in the last post, there was a recent announcement of Echelon Furniture, here in Gas City, Indiana. The mother company, Munire (w/ an accent on the e) Furniture, creates baby furniture. The amazing and wonderful parts of the furniture are the quality of the pieces and the timeless usage of the furniture. Check out the two photos in the facebook album mentioned above. They are the same two pieces of furniture. You purchase the crib for their infancy, then as they grow up, all you need to purchase are additional frame pieces and the mattress. So if you think about it, for at least the first 18 years of their life, you only have to spend a few thousand total for their bed. And seriously, I was in the showroom, and their wood quality and manufacturing is so beautiful, and strong. I feel like a salesperson! Needless to say, I'm going to be convincing my husband to invest in these pieces in the far future...

I am now full time! It hasn't been too hard to adjust, only that I have to wake up earlier and stay at the office later. Dinner will be interesting to work out since I get home at about six. The third organization I've signed on with (I work for three different non-profits as one full time job) is the Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) in Marion. For them I'll be doing projects related to social media. I have three positions in a way...the Economic Growth Council (EGC) and CVB are similar while the Cardinal Greenway folks are definitely different to manage. More time consuming at times and a bigger need for self direction. 

I didn't say anything really new since Ben's last post, but I wanted to let you all know I'm existent and things are going pretty well, trying to adjust to working full time as an adult, learning how to manage time differently. I've attached a photo of Angie (my co-worker/friend/former Taylor colleague), the Governor Mitch Daniels, and me.

Love you everyone! Hope all is going well!


Friday, October 1, 2010

More Updates

Sarah is now full time!  It was a good first day of full-time work for her, as she and her co-workers attended the grand opening of Echelon, a new furniture manufacturer in Gas City.  It was a big grand opening with many people in attendance, including Mitch Daniels -- governor of Indiana!  Sarah was able to get a picture with him.

It is hard to believe I just finished the sixth week of class.  Midterms are two weeks away; fortunately, I don't have any midterm exams.  Most of my work is actually in the form of lab reports and take-home exams.  I just completed my first take-home exam this past weekend -- it totaled fourteen pages and 3500 words.  Needless to say, there wasn't a whole lot of free time last weekend.

I have a rough draft of a term paper due in two weeks; I've chosen to write about Cri-du-Chat syndrome.  I'll be covering everything from its effects to its history to the genetic abnormalities of those who have it.  This is for my Human Genetics class.  My other class focuses on Recombinant DNA.  We are nearing the end of our first cloning project.  We have been cloning the gene AKT, which may play major roles in cardiovascular health.  It also tends to be overexpressed in cancer patients.  Research that focuses on methods for suppressing AKT is therefore important for possible ways of suppressing cancer.  Once this lab is complete, I will have two write a major lab report.

My students turned in their lab reports this week, so most of my weekend will be devoted to grading those.

Ben & Sarah