Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Speaking of brevity...

Just a quick update to say that Sarah will officially be going full time on October 1st!  She will also be moving from an hourly pay to a salary pay.  It'll be nice to have that consistency in our income.

We have reached near record-high temps these last few days, and the rain today was a nice change.  My classes continue to go well, and my teaching duties are starting to increase.  I wrote and gave my first quiz today, which was exciting for me.  My students will be turning in their first batch of lab reports next week, so that will give me plenty to grade. 

Take care,

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Weather's Changing!

I've noticed a significant drop in temperatures at night, and even this morning it was really chilly.  Autumn is upon us, and it has always been my favorite season, so I'm excited!

Not much new stuff to report.  We were finally able to get Sarah's car fixed.  It's now going to sit in our apartment parking lot for a while until we are able to add it to our insurance plan.  But at least it's fixed!  It's been over a month since we've moved, and the dust is finally starting to settle.  We are still eagerly awaiting for October to arrive so that Sarah can go full-time.  That will definitely be a blessing.

Things are really starting to get busy for both of us -- Sarah is involved with several projects at work, and my classes are getting busier.  I also am balancing classes with my teaching and grading duties.  But I'm very grateful for the opportunity...and the stipend!

I'm really enjoying one of my classes where we are currently cloning a gene.  It's a multiple-week process for sure, but so interesting. 

In our free time, we have been going to different places in Muncie and seeing friends when we can.  We have been able to see our friends Dan and Cait a few times this past week, which has been fun.  We were also able to see my parents in Indianapolis last Wednesday night.

Hope all is well with everyone!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We are currently listening to...

A Copland Celebration, a collection of some of the greatest works of the composer Aaron Copland.  I just wrote a review of this collection for iTunes, where I commented on his vast composing ability: his ability to capture all ranges of human emotion.  One of his more famous compositions does this most powerfully: Appalachian Spring Suite, a fourteen-movement piece lasting thirty-two minutes.  It is his best piece, in my opinion.  Ah, I love music.

In other news, life continues.  I am getting in the groove of things at school, and Sarah's job is going well.  Her boss told her that she will soon be promoted to full-time, which is a blessing.  She is also getting busier, but she is enjoying the work. 

We just had a relaxing three-day weekend where we did a lot of laundry and some general housekeeping.  My good friend Corey was able to come visit us on Monday, which was great.  We hadn't seen each other since the wedding in May.

We are visiting different churches every Sunday in our continued quest to find a new place of worship.  So far, we have liked all of them in different ways.  We will continue to visit other churches in the next few weeks.  We pray that God will make it clear where He wants us to be.

I have finished a second draft of my curriculum vitae.  I have expatiated on some of the sections in my first draft, and I have added a few new sections.  It's coming together pretty nicely. 

Take care,

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Few Updates

Ben Here.  Not too much to report.  I have a new desktop computer!  It is a college graduation gift from my parents, and I'm very grateful!  It's so fast and awesome.  I'm using it to type this right now, as you probably have guessed.

I am sitting in the apartment, and I have the window open.  Over the music that I have playing from my computer, I can hear the cheers and screams coming from the nearby football stadium.  Tonight is the season opener.  It's good to hear those cheers.  I feel that one of the big events I missed out on at Taylor was being able to attend sporting events with thousands of students screaming and shouting with fervor and passion for their home team.  Taylor has sports teams, but that excitement for sporting events was never really present. 

Here, on the other hand, the elation and passion are quite audible from where I sit, a quarter of a mile away.  The excitement is almost palpable.  But I digress...

Earlier today, Sarah helped clean parts of the Cardinal Greenway trails in Gas City and Jonesboro.  She previously organized an outing for Taylor freshmen to come out and help her as part of what Taylor likes to call Community Plunge.  This occurred today.  Community Plunge is an annual event at the beginning of the school year where freshmen perform community service.  From what she told me, it went well, but it was hot and tiring. She, with the help of her fifteen or so freshmen, were able to trim and carry away hundreds of excess branches. 

Well that's about it.  I just finished a rough draft of my curriculum vitae.  Once this draft has been polished and is final, I will use it in the spring  to apply to several summer internships.  I hope to procure one in either the Muncie or Indy area for next summer.  A summer internship is a required part of my Biotechnology Certification. 

I will leave you with a quote from the late pope John Paul II.  I just recently found this quote when I was perusing through some expository essays, and I feel it summarizes very well the crux of my worldview:

"Science can purify religion from error and superstition;
religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes.
Each can draw the other into a wider world, a world in which both can flourish."
